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<article lang="en">
   <title>Sample of RFC</title>
  <date>July, 15th 2001</date>
  <revremark>Conversion to DocBook SGML. Removed obsolete terms and terms defined in other RFCs.</revremark>
  <revremark>Addition of Action, Interaction, Dialog, Event, Events System, EventsDispatcher.</revremark>     
  <revremark>Addition of model and action controllers, update of controller.</revremark>      
  <revremark>Addition of AI, Population, Mission, Quest - hypertext links.</revremark>      
  <revremark>Addition of Bot.</revremark>     
  <revremark>First version in SGML.</revremark>     
  <revremark>First version in HTML</revremark>      
    <abstract><simpara>This document contains a glossar of terms unrelated to any RFC.</simpara></abstract>


    <glossentry id="ai"><glossterm>Artificial Intelligence</glossterm><acronym>AI</acronym>
        <para>In a broad sense, all that allows to provide an illusion of intelligence.</para>
    <glossentry id="action-controller"><glossterm>Action Controller</glossterm>
        <para>An action controller translates commands from a player or from 
    an AI into actions of the controlled entity.</para>
      <glossseealso otherterm="ai">
      <glossseealso otherterm="controller">
    <glossentry id="bot"><glossterm>Bot</glossterm>
        <para>Entity which is controlled by a non player (AI, script).
    Generally, a bot stands for a creature rather than for an entity of another kind.</para>
      <glossseealso otherterm="creature">
      <glossseealso otherterm="ai">
    <glossentry id="controller"><glossterm>Controller</glossterm>
        <para>A controller is an object (in an object oriented meaning) associated to an entity;
    it is entrusted by the entity to realize complex behaviours.
    By analogy, the controller would be the brains of a creature whereas the entity
    would be its corpse. However, an entity can possess several controllers and change
        <para>A controller is a player, an AI, a script...</para>
      <glossseealso otherterm="creature">
      <glossseealso otherterm="ai">
    <glossentry id="creature"><glossterm>Creature</glossterm>
      <para>A creature is an entity.</para>
      <para> creature possesses members which it uses in order to move and to act upon
        other entities.</para>
      <para>A creature possesses skills which can evolve.</para>
      <para>A creature is born, lives and dies.</para>
      <para>A creature has needs: to feed, to sleep, to assuage its impulses.</para>
      <para>A creature is able to breed. Characteristics of a species evolve.</para>
      <para>A creature possesses unique identity and description which allow to distinguish it</para>
    <glossentry id="karma"><glossterm>Karma</glossterm>
  <blockquote><para>What constitutes the essence of a being.</para></blockquote>
  <blockquote><para>Fundamental principle of Hindu religions which is based on
      conception of human life as a link in a chain of lives (samsara),
      each life determined by the acts accomplished in the previous life.</para></blockquote>
  <para>Points awarded to a player in order to reward her for her role-play.
    If a player does not respect by her acts the objectives that she fixed in her life,
    she does not earn Karma and she can even lose some.
    A player can use Karma points to resuscitate, to reincarnate into a new
  <glossseealso otherterm="creature">
    <glossentry id="model-controller"><glossterm>Model Controller</glossterm>
        <para>A Model controller maintains the controlled Entity state and
    updates the attributes of the Entity when needed.</para>
    <glossseealso otherterm="controller">


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